Category: Purple Stories and news

Purple Edible Flowers?

Purple Edible Flowers?

This video says there are purple flowers that you can eat. In fact, he says the whole plant is edible!  Anyone know about this?  I feel kind of funny eating flowers even if they are purple! Have a GRAPE Day!

2 y/o girl in purple abandoned at Newark Gas Station

2 y/o girl in purple abandoned at Newark Gas Station

I found this article in my purple Google alerts today because she was found wearing purple.  I can’t post her pictures here.  Please go to their site and view them.  Do you recognize her sweet face? She is only about 2yrs old and cannot even […]

Remember to Drink Grape Juice!

Remember to Drink Grape Juice!

According to this article, research by the University of Cincinnati suggests that drinking 100 percent purple grape juice can reduce or even reverse memory loss. “Other studies have shown that purple grapes have powerful health benefits. One Vanderbilt University study found that people who drank […]

Purple Friday

Purple Friday

You all HAVE to see this Ravens fan! She’s decked out all in purple! Shirley Clary, a 74 y/o retired secretary from Timonium wore her purple Raven bird hat to complete her ensemble which includes violet panty hose, purple and black shoes and a purple […]

Purple News

Purple News

There are several things in the news lately that are purple related.  I’ll post just a few today that I thought were either interesting or important. First, this article, is about a woman, Susan Powell, a Utah mother of two who has been missing since […]

Grape juice can reduce memory loss!

Grape juice can reduce memory loss!

Wow! New research I came across says that grape juice can reduce memory loss!  Now if I can only remember to buy some! “These results with Concord grape juice are very encouraging,” he said. “A simple, easy-to-incorporate dietary intervention that could improve or protect memory […]

Purple In the News

Purple In the News

I search Google for the word “purple” just in case something interesting pops up.  You can’t be too informed on the topic of purple you know!  So Friday brought this news story from The  It seems the water at a Catholic church in Chicago […]

Purple Peddlers Videos and Pictures

Purple Peddlers Videos and Pictures

Did you see the Purple Peddlers on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?  I missed them but I did record the parade.  I found a blog post that said they were on late and only for about 30 seconds where they didn’t show any of their […]

The Tale of the Purple Turkey

The Tale of the Purple Turkey

This adorable story is from an article in The Friday Flyer written by Betsy Semmens on Nov. 20th.  I don’t fully understand how blue dye was able to turn a turkey purple, but this is the most adorable purple turkey story and I just HAD […]

This is real! Graffiti Artist Ran Out of Purple

This is real! Graffiti Artist Ran Out of Purple

I subscribe to a bunch of Weird News type feeds to report on my show.  I usually find a ton of real news articles that involve a lack of effective communication skills which cause some pretty funny things in life.  But this morning I came […]