First Guest Purple Prod Review

Many thanks to Dawn Griffith for writing up For the Love of’s very first Guest Purple Product Review!  Dawn writes in:

My girls are crazy about nail polish. The brighter for them, the better. They get a kick out of polishing my toes because my nails are bigger. I am not that much into nail polish anymore, but to make them happy and to do fun things with them I volunteer my toes. Sure, they are a bit messy with applying it, but it gives them giggles to do so.

It was time to get more polish. While shopping at Meijer, I noticed they have several colors of nail polish removal. Being the purple fan that I am I picked the purple bottle. It said strengthening on the bubble above. I feel like my toe nails are pretty strong as it is, seeing how it takes muscles to get them cut. I didn’t know how effective that part would be, so I took the plunge and picked the purple one.

It works as well as any other nail polish remover I’ve ever used. I can’t say that my nails are any stronger, they still are tough as, well, nails! It is a bonus that it is purple. It makes me smile when I reach for the bottle. Two toes up from me! 

Thanks, Dawn for a grape review!  It’s good to know we have another purple choice we can count on out there!  Have a GRAPE Day!