Project GRAPEful 2018

Project GRAPEful 2018

As you know, For the Love of Purple has permanently teamed up with Grape Stuff beginning this month. For the Love of Purple will continue to bring you some grape purple posts, but the Grape Stuff site has the ability to bring you grape stuff we just can’t like the Grape Store.  Well, one of the things we are teaming up to bring you is the annual Project GRAPEful!  Here’s a bit about that taken from the Grape Stuff blog post:


Grape Times Presents: Project GRAPEful 2018!

The Grape Times blog has a tradition of counting down the days til Thanksgiving in grape style and this year is no exception. With so many frustrating and disappointing items in the news, we thought we’d take this opportunity to bring a little blessing to you this Thanksgiving season.

We call it Project GRAPEful!

While it’s so tempting (at this hectic time of year when tempers can run high and patience can run low) to gripe and complain, we would like to offer you a little hope so that all those frustrating or sad things can seem just a bit easier to deal with.

Each day from now until Thanksgiving, we’d like you to share on your social media what you are grapeful for that day and at the end, use the hashtag #ProjectGrapeful

For example: 

“Today I’m grateful for my children. #ProjectGrapeful”


“Today I’m grapeful that my husband is such a good father. #ProjectGrapeful” 

Then invite others to do the same each day. We hope to start a Thanksgiving Blessing that spreads across the internet.

So, whadaya say? Are you in for #ProjectGrapeful?


Won’t you join us?