The Great Grape Ice Cube Experiment

I have these two rubber ice cube trays and I thought it’d be fun to put them to good purple use.  One is a bunch of little hearts and the other is bunches of grapes.  I filled them with purple colored water and froze them last night.  Today I put them in glasses of ice water.  I thought you’d see the purple ice cubes floating in various places in the glass of water but what happened was far different.

The recipe for purple on the food coloring box said two parts blue for every one part red but that seemed to make blue so I added a bit more red to the mix.  I actually used about 4 cups of water, 5 drops of red and 10 drops of blue food coloring dye and then added about 6 more red drops.  I filled the ice cube trays and froze them last night:

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They looked so cute before I put them into the glass of water:

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When I put them in the glasses, they floated to the top and looked black.

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In a few minutes, though, the entire glass of water turned purple!

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My fingers are still purple! LOL

What do you think?  Do I deserve a purple heart for trying?

You try it and have a GRAPE day!