Today was one of those terrible, no-good, rotten, very bad days.
First my dd left to go back to grad school (2000 miles away from home) this morning and we don’t think we’ll see her again for a year. I will admit that there are lavender tear stains on my keyboard.
As I contemplated missing her and going through my Facebook fan pages to post, it suddenly dawned on me that my grape blog post never did release. So I checked the scheduled posts and found them all GONE!
I spent many a wee morning hour researching, planning, writing and scheduling five blog posts to come out once a week this month. ALL of them are gone as if it never happened.
I had a grape recipe for you and some posts on certain new purple products. I also did a new purple-ized craft for you complete with pictures.
I can’t even remember what they all were right now and since my eyes are an ugly red from missing my dd, I can’t think well enough to rewrite them right now.
I remember having upgraded WordPress last month and very early this morning or late last night, I had a problem getting into my site. I think that’s what did it, but whatever the cause, the result is that I’m a sobbing mess and I will need some time to rewrite all this month’s posts.
My apologies, but you might be on the lookout for Gundar. I’m sure FLP isn’t the only site he’s squashed like a grape! In the meantime, I’m taking the day off to regroup. When I’m out of tears for my dd’s departure, I’ll work on trying to rewrite all the January blog posts. Please keep me in your purple prayers.
Try to have a GRAPE Day!