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My Grape CHRISTmas. How was yours?
I received the grapest gifts this CHRISTmas! My college girl gave me a gorgeous necklace of hand rolled paper beads and luxurious deep purple stocking. The necklace was purchased through a special link on Amazon where a portion of the proceeds go to help her […]
What is it?
WHAT IS IT? This is the time of the week where I post a picture and you guess what purple item it is. It could be a bird’s eye view as it was the first week or it could be a picture of only a […]
Merry Purple CHRISTmas Video from!
Merry PURPLE CHRISTmas from For the Love of! Have a GRAPE Day!
Purple Wreaths
Continuing the Purple CHRISTmas-a-thon, we have a selection of purple wreaths: Have a GRAPE Day!
Purple CHRISTmas Tree Lights
The next best thing to a purple tree is purple CHRISTmas tree lights! Have a GRAPE Day!
Purple CHRISTmas Tree
Last year Walmart had a lavender CHRISTmas tree. This year, they have a really purple one! Check it out! Here’s one I found on the internet: Have a GRAPE Day!
Purple CHRISTmas Ornaments
Continuing the Purple CHRISTmas-a-thon, I bring you…these beautiful purple CHRISTmas ornaments! Have a GRAPE Day!
Purple and silver angel ornament
I’m not affiliated with them. I just thought this CHRISTmas ornament was beauituful! Check it out: Have GRAPE Day!