The Purple Quiz

I thought this would be fun!  You know how all those folks have these quizzes on their Facebook and Twitter pages.  Well, I thought it was about time there was a purple quiz so here goes!

1. Lavender or Dark Purple?

(dark purple)

2. How many purple shirts do you own?

(too numerous to count!)

3. What’s the oddest purple thing you have?

(probably my purple spatula or my purple cell phone)

4. What’s your favorite purple fruit?

(I love blackberries which are actually purple and not black as well as the dark purple grapes and plums)

5. Would you buy a purple car?


6. Does your purple pen have purple ink?

(Why coitenly!)

7. Do you own a purple purse?

(I actually own three)

8. Do you have a purple Bible?

(No but I do have a purple devotional!-Thanks Hetty!!)

9. What purple thing are you trying to find?

(Purple napkin holder)

10. Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse or Harold and the Purple Crayon?


Feel free to put this on your own blog and post your link here!  OR you can just answer the quiz here!

Have a GRAPE day!