This Thursday on my Talk Talk Show on the Communication Comedy Network, I’m going to be having an Open Discussion on…PURPLE! You all have to come to the live show with me!
I’m going to be sharing some info I found about what a person’s favorite color says about them and why it is that purple people are so passionate over their favorite color like nobody else! Please come share your thoughts with my listening audience!
To join the show live via your computer, click here or go to
To join the show live via phone, dial (724) 444-7444 a nd enter Call ID: 19736 when prompted.
To listen to the audio recording available immediately after the show, click here or go to and scroll down to Past Episodes. Click on the orange Listen button next to the past show you wish to hear.
Oh when is the show you ask? Good question:
Each Thursday morning 8am PST/ 11am EST! Be there or be UNpurple! ROFL and have a GRAPE day!