How Purple Are You?

Purple Tongue TwisterThis is a test of the Emergency Purple Network!  This is only a test….

How purple are you?  Let’s find out!  Post your answers here on the blog as a comment and share your purpleness with my other grape readers.

1. Are you now or have you ever been a Purple Freak?

2. Do you own a purple purse?

3. How often do you wear purple?

4. Do you wear purple on the Fourth of July?

5. Do you purchase things that have no value in your life other than the fact that they are purple?

6. Would you consider painting your house purple? Inside?  Outside?

7. Would you buy a purple car?

8. When was the last time you purchased something purple?

9. Do you attend Purple Lovers Anonymous?

10.  Are you the president of PLA?


This has been a test of the Emergency Purple Network. This was only a test.  If this had been a real purple emergency, you would have been instructed where to turn for further purple news and information.

Have a Grape Day!