Lavender Rose Lemonade

It’s PURPLE Food Week here at For the Love of Purple!

My friend LaTara Ham Ying posted about this lemonade and it sounded so delish, I asked her to give me the recipe.  Intrigued by the grapely unique recipe, I asked if I could post it here!  A big thank you to LaTara!  If you want to thank her, you can reach her from her website, Thanks, Sweet Pea!  I’m grapeful!

Ingredients for 64 oz pitcher

(Most health food stores should have these herbs because they are common, if not check out a place online called Herbie’s Herbs.)

1 tbsp lavender buds (for cooking – yes there is a difference)
2 tsp rosebuds
2 to 3 large lemons

Boil water for tea. Place lavender and rose buds into a strainer or empty tea bag and put to the side. Juice lemons and pour into pitcher. Add hot water and buds to pitcher, stir and let brew for 5 to 7 minutes for full benefits of nutrients. Remove strainer, throw out buds, add ice to pitcher and refrigerate until chilled.

This lemonade is great for alkalizing purposes and is loaded with vitamin c and relaxation benefits. Plus if you are diabetic or insulin resistant it is a very low carb option 🙂

Let me know how you like it! I’m going to get the ingredients as soon as I can and I’ll post my thoughts too!  Have a GRAPE Day!