The Tale of the Purple Turkey

This adorable story is from an article in The Friday Flyer written by Betsy Semmens on Nov. 20th.  I don’t fully understand how blue dye was able to turn a turkey purple, but this is the most adorable purple turkey story and I just HAD to include it here on For the Love of during this Thanksgiving Season…

“The story of  ‘The Purple Turkey’ is one that gets told around the Thanksgiving table at our house every year. If I remember correctly, my father was in his late teens and needed to dye some pants blue. My grandmother’s enamel roasting pan seemed like the perfect container for the dye bath, and when the process was complete, the pan was washed and put back in the basement of their Parma, Ohio home.

It was not until late on Thanksgiving afternoon a few months later, as my grandmother pulled the golden, glistening turkey from the oven, that my father’s great mistake was about to be discovered. The family watched eagerly as my grandfather sharpened the carving knife and prepared to slice up another of my grandmother’s perfectly prepared holiday turkeys.

The first cut was made and my grandfather’s knife paused and an odd expression crossed his face. He slowly cut deeper and peered down into the spectacle before him; though the turkey exterior was the picture of Thanksgiving perfection, the meat within was a dazzling purple!”

Have you had any holiday goofs happen in your family?  Even if they are not purple stories, please post them here to share!
And come back to For the Love of Purple on Wednesday for a special purple Thanksgiving treat!

Have a GRAPE Thanksgiving!