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Gain Lavender Dishwashing Liquid

Gain Lavender Dishwashing Liquid

I usually buy dishwashing liquid in bulk so I don’t have to put it in the dispenser too often.  I have a dispenser built into my kitchen sink and it’s hard to see, if you’re only 5′ nuthin’, exactly how much to fill it so […]

Purple Passionflower: Legend/Medicinal Uses

Purple Passionflower: Legend/Medicinal Uses

According to Merriam Webster, the Passionflower is “any of a genus (Passiflora of the family Passifloraceae, the passionflower family) of chiefly tropical woody tendriled climbing vines or erect herbs with usually showy flowers and pulpy often edible berries”  so named “from the fancied resemblance of […]

What is It? Can you guess?

What is It? Can you guess?

  It’s time for more grape fun with: What is it?  This is the time of the week where I post a picture and you guess what purple item it is.  It could be a bird’s eye view as it was the first week or […]

Purple Product Reveiw:Mariah Carey Perfume

Purple Product Reveiw:Mariah Carey Perfume

For Mother’ Day, my son and dh gave me a bottle of Mariah Carey perfume.  The box, as you can see, and the bottle are both purple!  A fine start to a delightfully smelling perfume, if I do say so! Though the color of the […]

Dinah Shore: Sweet Violets Video

Dinah Shore: Sweet Violets Video

This is an adorable song and the purple, sweet violets throughout this YouTube video are just grape too!   Have a GRAPE Day!

What is it? Give it a grape try!

What is it? Give it a grape try!

I’m so sorry, but last week I plum forgot to post a “What is It?” picture.  I guess Gundar, the Technology Gremlin, got the better of me and my brain was a bit fuzzy wuzzy!  So… It’s time for more grape fun with: What is […]

Purple Product Review:Lavender Furniture Polish

Purple Product Review:Lavender Furniture Polish

As I reported several months ago, I love my Swiffer Wet Jet–mostly because it’s purple, but also because it’s got a lovely clean fresh scent and works very well. Well, I found this Swiffer Dust and Shine with Fabreze lavender scent so, you know, I […]

Purple Q of the Wk: Do you think in purple?

Purple Q of the Wk: Do you think in purple?

My dd is a Russian major heading into her senior year.  She was an exchange student in Russia in the fall of last year.  After being fully immersed in the language that semester, she found that she started thinking in Russian.  This is what happens […]

UCA Bears is Getting a PURPLE Football Field!

UCA Bears is Getting a PURPLE Football Field!

Not only does their football team’s color include a gorgeous hue of purple, but the University of Central Arkansas is installing a new PURPLE turf for their UCA Bears football team. They are one of a few universities these days that re getting away from […]

Purple Product Review: Lavender SOS Pads

Purple Product Review: Lavender SOS Pads

It’s time again for the Purple Product Review.  This week’s grape find is the box of lavender SOS pads. They are just as grape as the regular SOS pads for removing baked on grease and grime from your pots and pans, but I do have […]